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Faculty of Letters


カーティー ポール・クリストファー

カーティー ポール・クリストファー
カーティー ポール・クリストファー 准教授


My main area of research is American Studies. American society is a vast,ever-changing mosaic of people and beliefs. In order to understand American culture, it is necessary to look at the literature, history, sports, movies, music,and religion. My present research is on how technology is changing the media landscape. Podcasts have grown enormously over the last 12 years and their influence on America is sizable. I am exploring why and how the podcast became such an important source of information for contemporary America.In addition, festivals are an important part of culture and they show us what a culture values deeply. Another research project contrasts and compares Japanese and American festivals to understand both cultures more deeply.



I study American society in detail because culture tells us who we are. Culture is continually changing. The most important skill is to learn how to critique culture. Cultural studies is a very dynamic interdisciplinary field. It is an area that does not so much provide answers but gives students a way to look at that world. As members of society,these tools are necessary to make decisions about the type of society they want to live in.

アメリカ文化を細かく研究しています。文化を研究することで、自分たちのことが分かるからです。 文化はたえず変化しています。もっとも重要なことは文化をいかに批判するかを学ぶことです。文化研究は、とてもダイナミックな学際的な分野です。答えを与えるというよりも学生に世界の見方を教える分野です。これらのツールは社会の一員として、自分たちが住みたい社会についていろいろ決定するために必要なものです。


When I was in college, I studied the Middle Ages of Europe: literature, art,history, philosophy and religion of the period from 300 to 1400. To study a society from multiple aspects was a great thrill. As we see how the past connects to the present, as the present influences us, we begin to understand the world around us. Most importantly, as a teacher, I hope it motivates my students to never stop learning about the city, village or town where they will live one day.


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